Main Street Massage Therapy's Blog

The Little-Known Benefits of Drinking Water

May 14th, 2014 • Posted by Main Street Massage Therapy, LLC • Permalink

You've heard since childhood that drinking water is good for you. The benefits of taking in some H20 include preventing dehydration and keeping body fluids maintained. But that glass of water you drank at lunch is doing much more than that. Most people don't know about all the benefits of water. Check out these little-known facts:

Water helps with weight loss

Picking water over a sugary soda will help you drop some unwanted pounds. Plus, water makes you feel full, so you’re less likely to snack if you keep your body hydrated.

Water keeps your muscles in check

Water has a way of revitalizing your muscles. When your body is deprived of water, your electrolytes shrink and your body is forced to borrow nutrients from cells around your muscles. That process leads to muscle fatigue and weakness.

Water keeps wrinkles away

Drinking a bottle of water a day won't erase wrinkles, but by keeping your skin hydrated it's less likely to dry out and sag. Water also helps bring out the natural glow in your skin, which means a healthier complexion.

The good news is you don't have to drink bottles upon bottles of water everyday. A lot of the food you consume, especially fruits and vegetables, are a good source of water too.

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The Best 3 Ways to Relieve Chronic Pain Naturally

May 2nd, 2014 • Posted by Main Street Massage Therapy, LLC • Permalink

There's a variety of ways to battle chronic pain. While modern science tends to encourage people to take pills, there are more natural ways to manage pain. In some cases, people incorporate natural pain relief methods with traditional medicine. The trick to pain management is finding a recipe that works for you. If you're interested in learning about natural ways to handle pain, check out these three methods below:



By quieting the mind and body, studies show meditation can offer patients a way to control pain. Mindfulness meditation, where a person focuses on feelings and sensations, can help decrease stress and pain. There are differing schools of thought on the proper ways to meditate, but if you're interested you can research and find the one that is right for you.


Massage therapy focuses on a whole body approach to pain. If you suffer from chronic back pain, we will certainly spend some time easing those muscles, but the cause of your pain is likely stemming from other parts of your body. By focusing on the whole body and not just the site of the pain, patients become more aware of their body and where the pain stems from.


If you're carrying around excess weight, chronic pain may be a side effect. If you're looking to drop a few pounds and alleviate pain, talk with a nutritionist about eating healthy. You'll want to incorporate an exercise plan into your daily routine as well.

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The Best Songs to Relax To

April 17th, 2014 • Posted by Main Street Massage Therapy, LLC • Permalink

People tend to have their own ways of relaxing. Whether it’s a massage, taking a walk, or drinking a warm cup of tea, there are many ways to unwind. If music is your stress-busting method of choice, you’re in luck. A British band worked with sound therapists to develop the most relaxing song known to man. The eight-minute song uses guitar, piano and natural sounds to induce the listener into a relaxed state.

To test the song’s “relaxability”, a group of women completed stressful puzzles followed by listening to Marconi Union’s song “Weightless.” The study shows the song actually reduced their anxiety by 65 percent.

For most listeners, their heart rate slows to the beat of the music. This phenomenon, known as entrainment, helps the body release stress and evens out blood pressure levels. By the end of the song, listeners are in a euphoric state. The British Academy of Sound Therapy says the song is so effective at relaxing listeners that it shouldn’t be played while driving.

During the study, a list of the most relaxing songs was also compiled. Of course, “Weightless” topped the chart. Airstream’s “Electra” and “Chill Out Mix” by DJ Shah followed it. Coming in as the fourth most relaxing song was Enya’s “Watermark.” And rounding out the top five was Coldplay’s “Strawberry Swing.”

You can induce the relaxed state that you feel after a massage by listening to these songs at home.

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